Thursday, 1 March 2012

Omegle chat 1

Yes I know it's not feet, but it was a fun chat I wanted to keep

Stranger: Dull. -SH
You: Sherlock? - JW
Stranger: ..John? -SH
You: but, you died.-JW
You: You can't tell me that wasn't real -JW
You: I saw it.-JW
Stranger: I am obviously not dead. Very alive. -SH
You: I wish you were here. So I could punch you - JW
Stranger: I suppose I would deserve as much... -SH
You: Why didn't you tell me?!-JW
Stranger: Safety, John. -SH
You: and...and Moriarty? - JW
Stranger: Dead. He killed himself on the roof before I jumped. -SH
You: It's been a month Sherlock, I visited your grave everyday. And you were still alive..,- JW
Stranger: I had to keep you safe, John. -SH
You: Why do you keep saying that?! Safe from what - JW
Stranger: Moriarty's men. They would've shot you. I couldn't have that... -SH
You: I had to move out of 221b, I couldn't afford the rent - JW
You: mrs Hudson kept me for as long as possible, but eventually I had to go - JW
Stranger: I've taken care of that. Mycroft has gotten our flat for us. My stuff is there- you are free to return. -SH
You: Mycroft? How many people were in on this? - JW
Stranger: Mycroft. Molly. Well, actually, Mycroft didn't know until this morning. -SH
You: Molly? But I've spoken to her a lot, I didn't know she as such a good lier - JW
Stranger: Better than you would think. Without her, I wouldn't have been able to pull it off. -SH
You: Well, thank god your alive. But what if Moriarty had someone too? Could he have fooled you?- JW
Stranger: I highly doubt that. I watched him shoot his brains out two feet from me. -SH
You: ...Have you had any cases without me?- JW
Stranger: Of course, not. I can't solve cases without my blogger. Also- can't solve cases when pretending to be dead. -sH
Stranger: *SH
You: Bet you've been bored to death - JW
Stranger: That may be a poor choice of words... but yes. -SH
You: So, where's this new place - JW
Stranger: Why on earth would I choose somewhere new? 221b, John. As always. -SH
You: Im sorry to say, I think mrs Hudson went ahead and gave your stuff to charity - JW
Stranger: The stuff of great need was intercepted by Mycroft- never saw him of a man of sentiment though. -SH
You: He cares for you more then he let's on - JW
Stranger: I am aware. We are blood. -SH
Stranger: I will be waiting at the flat for you, John. -SH
You: I'll take the plane from scotland and meet you there - JW

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